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Access Control

There are currently two modes of access control supported by kro, if you install through the Helm chart:

  • unrestricted

  • aggregation

The mode is selected with a values property rbac.mode, and defaults to unrestricted.

unrestricted Access

In the unrestricted access mode, the chart includes a ClusterRole granting kro full control to every resource type in your cluster. This can be useful for experimenting in a test environment, where access control is not necessary, but is not recommended in a production environment.

In this mode, anyone with access to create ResourceGraphDefinition resources, effectively also has admin access to the cluster.

aggregation Access

In the aggreagation access mode, the chart includes an aggregated ClusterRole which dynamically includes all rules from all ClusterRoles that have the label "true".

There is a very minimal set of permissions provisioned by the chart itself, just enough to let kro run at all: full permissions for ResourceGraphDefinitions and its subresources, and full permissions for CustomResourceDefinitions as kro will create them in response to the existence of an RGD.

However, this does not automatically set up permissions for kro to actually reconcile those generated CRDs! In other words, when using this mode, you will need to provision additional access for kro for every new resource type you define.


If you want to create a ResourceGraphDefinition that specifies a new resource type with kind: Foo, and where the graph includes an apps/v1/Deployment and a v1/ConfigMap, you will need to create the following ClusterRole to ensure kro has enough access to reconcile your resources:

kind: ClusterRole
labels: "true"
name: kro:controller:foos
- apiGroups:
- foos
- "*"
- apiGroups:
- apps
- deployments
- "*"
- apiGroups:
- ""
- configmaps
- "*"