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Simple Schema

kro follows a different approach for defining your API schema and shapes. It leverages a human-friendly and readable syntax that is OpenAPI specification compatible. Here's a comprehensive example:

kind: ResourceGraphDefinition
name: web-application
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: WebApplication
# Basic types
name: string | required=true description="My Name"
replicas: integer | default=1 minimum=1 maximum=100
image: string | required=true

# Structured type
enabled: boolean | default=false
host: string | default=""
path: string | default="/"

# Array type
ports: "[]integer"

# Map type
env: "map[string]string"

# Status fields with auto-inferred types
availableReplicas: ${deployment.status.availableReplicas}
serviceEndpoint: ${service.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}

Type Definitions

Basic Types

kro supports these foundational types:

  • string: Text values
  • integer: Whole numbers
  • boolean: True/False values
  • number: Decimal numbers

For example:

name: string
age: integer
enabled: boolean
price: number

Structure Types

You can create complex objects by nesting fields. Each field can use any type, including other structures:

# Simple structure
street: string
city: string
zipcode: string

# Nested structures
name: string
address: # Nested object
street: string
city: string
contacts: "[]string" # Array of strings

Array Types

Arrays are denoted using [] syntax:

  • Basic arrays: []string, []integer, []boolean


tags: []string
ports: []integer

Map Types

Maps are key-value pairs denoted as map[keyType]valueType:

  • map[string]string: String to string mapping
  • map[string]integer: String to integer mapping


labels: "map[string]string"
metrics: "map[string]number"

Validation and Documentation

Fields can have multiple markers for validation and documentation:

name: string | required=true default="app" description="Application name"
replicas: integer | default=3 minimum=1 maximum=10
mode: string | enum="debug,info,warn,error" default="info"

Supported Markers

  • required=true: Field must be provided
  • default=value: Default value if not specified
  • description="...": Field documentation
  • enum="value1,value2": Allowed values
  • minimum=value: Minimum value for numbers
  • maximum=value: Maximum value for numbers

Multiple markers can be combined using the | separator.

For example:

name: string | required=true default="app" description="Application name"

Status Fields

Status fields use CEL expressions to reference values from resources. kro automatically:

  • Infers the correct types from the expressions
  • Validates that referenced resources exist
  • Updates values when the underlying resources change
# Types are inferred from the referenced fields
availableReplicas: ${deployment.status.availableReplicas}
endpoint: ${service.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}

Default Status Fields

kro automatically injects two fields to every instance's status:

1. Conditions

An array of condition objects tracking the instance's state:

- type: string # e.g., "Ready", "Progressing"
status: string # "True", "False", "Unknown"
lastTransitionTime: string
reason: string
message: string

Common condition types:

  • Ready: Instance is fully reconciled
  • Progressing: Working towards desired state
  • Degraded: Operational but not optimal
  • Error: Reconciliation error occurred

2. State

A high-level summary of the instance's status:

state: string # Ready, Progressing, Degraded, Unknown, Deleting

conditions and state are reserved words. If defined in your schema, kro will override them with its own values.